I have experimented very much with photogrammetry and got exciting results. This article talks about this experience. These experiments were done together with Andalú Sea and my...
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I have experimented very much with photogrammetry and got exciting results. This article talks about this experience. These experiments were done together with Andalú Sea and my friend Juan Soler.
During underwater operations, we always record videos of the whole process just in case of problems and for documentation purposes. We checked a sewage outfall for structural stability and broken parts during this operation. You can watch this piece of the video:
After experimenting with photogrammetry, and thanks to my previous experience with Blender, I rendered the following images:
And here is the final video:
I also positioned the sewage outfall on Google Maps using BlenderGIS:
Other examples of photogrammetry I did:
The results with fish eye capture affected the results very much.
You can see how the entire structure blends on borders, and the dimensions are unrealistic:
It is hard work to get suitable photogrammetry renders from a real object, but with time and computing power, it is possible to get it ready.
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