Talks and presentations

Talks and presentations

Juanmi Taboada
Juanmi Taboada

I have provided specific training to companies, entrepreneurs, and workers for many years. Contact me if you are looking for specialized training for your management or technical team. Below is a list of the courses I have taken in my professional career:

3/November/2023 – Alioli ROV Submarine Drone

In this presentation (in English), I invite you to immerse yourself in the exciting adventure of creating an open-source submarine. This project aims to scan areas of interest to divers and generate a detailed 3D map of the seabed. Throughout the talk, I share my experience in integrating open technologies that were key to the project’s success, from the modular design of the vehicle to the image processing and vehicle control software. The open-source submarine project is a tangible example of how it is possible to collaborate on open-source projects. This talk was given at Ubuntu Summit 2023 in Riga (Latvia), an event organized by Canonical. You can read a summary of the event here. View PDF here!. You can also enjoy this live talk by clicking on the video.

Alioli Rov Submarine Drone at Ubuntu Summit 23 in Riga (Latvia)

7/September/2023 – Alioli ROV Submarine Drone

In this presentation I talk about my journey in creating an open source submarine. Its purpose is to scan areas where divers explore and generate a 3D map. I also explain how various open source technologies were integrated to make this project successful. This talk was given within the conference cycles of the “Ka153 GREEN+ Project on Mobility of Young Workers” for AMEFE (Asociación Malagueña de Educación y Formación Europea). View PDF here! (Spanish)

10/June/2023 – Alioli ROV Submarine Drone

In this presentation, I invite you to embark on an exciting challenge: creating an open-source submarine. This project aims to scan areas of interest to divers and generate a detailed 3D map of the seabed. Throughout the talk, I share the technological challenges I faced and how I overcame them thanks to collaboration and the free software community. You will discover how I designed and built a low-cost, modular underwater vehicle, implementing a navigation and control system. This talk was given within the OpenSouthCode 2023“. View PDF here! You can also enjoy this live talk by clicking on the video.

Alioli ROV Submarine Drone at OpenSouthCode’23 (Málaga)

23/May/2019 – 20.000 registers Under the Sea

Talk that explains how large volumes of data affect the development of a project. His name comes from the need he had to process 20,000 records per second in real time and the relationship with the Alioli submarine that he was developing at that time which is part of some of the entries in this blog. This talk was given as part of the series of talks at “Opensouthcode 2019“. View here! (Spanish)

02/June/2018 – CODENERIX

Talk about the free software project CODENERIX, in which he gives an overview of his contributions to Django and some of the most exciting features that make CODENERIX a very interesting framework to work with. This was part of the series of talks at “Opensouthcode 2018“. View here! (Spanish)

01/February/2018 – Deep Web

Under the name of Deep Web hides a Master Class on security aimed at workers and managers. In this case, the master was given to Playasol Ibiza Hotels of the Hiperion Group (Ibiza), where the bases underlying the operation of the Deep Web were explained. Still, the necessary circumstances were given to explain and understand the nature of most of the attacks and dangers to which the company’s workers are exposed. Among the contents are viruses, trojans, ransomware, and phishing, and at the same time, a real live web attack based on social engineering is carried out. The material of this Master is not available online.

01/February/2018 – Big Data

Big Data is a Master Class on security aimed at workers and managers. In this case, the master was given to Playasol Ibiza Hotels of the Hiperion Group (Ibiza), in which they explained what data is, its nature, cloud concepts revealed, as well as its operation and how to carry out the procedures that are carried out. in these a bun term. The incessant growth of the need to store information is justified, as well as how it can be used for the company’s benefit to increase the performance of this data and how to extract information from it using the most innovative techniques on the market. View here! (Spanish)

06/October/2017 – Security in the storage and exchange of digital information, legal aspects

This basic talk talks about the “necessary step” to reach an optimal security state in data storage. It is a snapshot of the current situation regarding data storage focused on different storage media and clouds, as well as its implications, obligations, and recommendations from a legal point of view for security and reliable long-term data retention. This talk was given as essential content in the “13º Congreso Jurídico de la Abogacía ICAMálaga“. View here! (Spanish)

07/May/2017 – CODENERIX

This is a complete talk about CODENERIX, explaining its contribution to Django and some of the most exciting features, such as intelligent forms, system dynamic elements, and field feedback in both directions (client-server and server-client). This was part of the series of talks at “Opensouthcode 2017“. View here! (Spanish)

06/May/2017 – IPTables

This talk shows a basic use of Linux Iptables. This talk was given as part of the cycle of talks at “Opensouthcode 2017“. View here! (Spanish)

10/March/2017 – Advanced Python Workshop

In this talk, various exercises focused on functional programming, complex exercises based on inheritance and some tools such as @property and Indexable are performed. View here! (Spanish)

10/February/2017 – Introduction to Python Workshop

We introduce you to the Python programming language. The talk is structured for a workshop where participants collaborate and participate in the master class. Here, you can see the presentation! (Spanish) and here, you can download some solved exercises.

18/March/2016 – Python Workshop: Client/Server

This talk shows the libraries and methodologies necessary for developing applications based on network communications where two actors interact, one program acting as a client and another as a server. View here! (Spanish)

19/Februrary/2016 – Python Workshop

We introduce you to the Python programming language. The talk is structured for a workshop where participants collaborate and participate in the master class. View here! (Spanish)

20160219 - Taller de Python (Juan Miguel Taboada Godoy)

10/December/2015 – BI oriented intelligent monitoring

Talk was given at the Smartcity ICT Demonstration Center in Malaga, explaining what system monitoring is and how information systems are processed through distributed databases (Cassandra) and cloud computing (Spark). View here! (Spanish)

20151210 - Monitorización inteligente orientada a BI (Juan Miguel Taboada Godoy)

30/November/2015 – Deep Web

Talk given to the CEP of Málaga (Málaga Teaching Center) in which what the Deep Web is is explained in depth, including examples of use, reasons for its existence, groups for and against its existence and why the fact that the Internet exists, requires the existence of the Deep Web. View here! (Spanish)

20151130 - Deep Web (Juan Miguel Taboada Godoy)

30/October/2015 – Cassandra DB Workshop

Workshop in which a little theory about Database engines and Cassandra was explained, to then dedicate a large part of the time to setting up a Cassandra cluster in which data was moved from one site to another; the flexibility was seen before changes in replication factors, resistance to falls and much more. View here! (Spanish)

20151030 - Taller de Cassandra (Juan Miguel Taboada Godoy)

28/May/2015 – Likindoy: Efficient monitoring with Big Data

Talk that shows how monitoring helps in management processes and how the role of distributed databases and Big Data systems helps achieve efficient and complex analysis of monitored systems through intelligent analysis of the history collected in databases. of enormous data and the ability to perform multiple mathematical calculations and correlograms on past events that repeat themselves in the present. View here! (Spanish)

20150528 - Monitorización eficiente mediante Big Data (Juan Miguel Taboada Godoy)

08/May/2015 – Big Data with Cassandra

We explain how storage needs have grown recently and how Cassandra DB helps achieve efficient, massive, distributed storage with controlled and reliable resilience. We also talk in this talk about time series databases, the differences between current database systems, and why Cassandra predominates over others with its advanced management model. View here! (Spanish)

20150508 - Big Data con Cassandra (Juan Miguel Taboada Godoy)

07/May/2015 – Likindoy: Efficient monitoring with Big Data

Talk that shows how monitoring helps in management processes and how the role of distributed databases and Big Data systems helps achieve efficient and complex analysis of monitored systems through intelligent analysis of the history collected in databases. of huge data. View here! (Spanish)

20150507 - Monitorización eficiente mediante Big Data (Juan Miguel Taboada Godoy)

24/April/2015 – OTP

We explain the OTP (One Time Password) protocol and show an example of implementation, operation and use. View here!

20150424 - OTP (Juan Miguel Taboada Godoy)

05/February/2015 – Introduction to Django

We introduce the Django development framework based on the Python programming language. The talk is structured for a workshop in which participants collaborate and not for a presentation by a single speaker. View here! (Spanish)

20150205 - Introducción a Django (Juan Miguel Taboada Godoy)

15/January/2015 – Introduction to Python

We introduce you to Python. The talk is structured for a workshop in which participants collaborate and not for a presentation by a single speaker. View here! (Spanish)

20150115 - Introducción a Python (Juan Miguel Taboada Godoy)

26/September/2014 – Introduction to AngularJS

We explain how AngularJS has changed our current production systems at Centrologic and how we have reduced CPU and RAM consumption in our systems. We also explain how it works and provide some examples of its use. View here! (Spanish)

20140926 - Introducción a AngularJS (Juan Miguel Taboada Godoy)

30/November/2013 – Encryption in everyday life

The daily need for privacy and security and the continuous theft of information lead us to explain in this talk how to use an encrypted system, how to get Linux encrypted from the root, and how to use it daily to avoid theft of information when we are not in front of our equipment. View here! (Spanish)

20131130 - Cifrado en el día a día - Juan Miguel Taboada Godoy

11/October/2013 – Introduction to Wireless Networks

The operation of Wireless Networks is explained, their most technical aspects and some of the misconceptions about how wireless networks affect health are reviewed. View here! (Spanish)

20131011 - Introdución a las redes inalámbricas (Centro Civico Málaga)

05/July/2013 – Introduction to Wireless Networks

The operation of Wireless Networks is explained, and their most technical aspects and some of the misconceptions about how wireless networks affect health are reviewed. View here! (Spanish)

20130705 - Introdución a las redes inalámbricas (Centro Civico Málaga)

04/June/2010 – Computer Risk Prevention

During my stay in one of the few companies where I have worked as an employee, I discovered that the Customer Service staff did not have any training in attacks based on Social Engineering. Since they were the first security barrier against customer calls. They had access to their privileged information, so I decided to give a talk to prevent these attacks and allow the company to be better protected against these events. View here! (Spanish)

20100604 - Prevención de riesgos informáticos - Juan Miguel Taboada Godoy

18/October/2008 – Likindoy

In this talk, we talk about Likindoy GPL, the tool from which our commercial version of Likindoy was later born. In this talk, we showed 2008 the data acquisition system developed in conjunction with the company Axaragua (Aguas y Saneamientos de la Axarquía) during a 3-year development. View here! (Spanish)

20081018 - Likindoy - Juan Miguel Taboada Godoy

18/February/2005 – Linux Wireless

It talks about how Linux has been incorporated into most embedded systems (Routers and Wi-Fi Access Points) and how it has managed to conquer this market. He also talks about Wi-Fi network monitoring tools and how to protect yourself from attacks. View here! (Spanish)

20050218 - Linux Wireless - Juan Miguel Taboada Godoy

08/October/2004 – Distributed Systems and High Availability

This is a 2×1 talk in which we talk on the one hand about OpenMosix and everything related to distributed systems. Secondly, we discuss High Availability systems and server management in critical situations where providing the right service is very important. View here! (Spanish)

20041008 - Sistemas Distribuidos y Alta Disponibilidad - Juan Miguel Taboada Godoy

20/March/2004 – Geoma

Geoma is my final year project. Geoma is a system for the automatic generation of jewellery through the use of Fractal Geometry. You can watch the Geoma Abstract here, the Geoma poster here or the presentation in PDF format.

20040320 - Geoma - Congreso Madrid Geometría Fractal - Juan Miguel Taboada Godoy

21/December/2002 – OpenMosix

OpenMosix is a cluster system for massive computing on Linux that allows multiple machines to act as one of many processors. In this way, it is enough for the application to generate child processes of itself to take advantage of this system’s power. View here! (Spanish)

20021221 - OpenMosix - Juan Miguel Taboada Godoy

01/December/2002 – Introduction to Wireless Networks

The operation of Wireless Networks is explained, their most technical aspects and some of the misconceptions about how wireless networks affect health are reviewed. View here! (Spanish)

20021201 - Redes Wireless Las Palmas Party - Juan Miguel Taboada Godoy

10/July/2002 – Introduction to Wireless Networks

The operation of Wireless Networks is explained, and their most technical aspects and some of the misconceptions about how wireless networks affect health are reviewed. View here! (Spanish)

20020710 - Redes Wireless - Juan Miguel Taboada Godoy

10/July/2002 – Málaga Wireless

Shows the projects that are being developed in the Málaga Wireless cultural association. View here! (Spanish)

20020710 - Málaga Wireless Proyectos - Juan Miguel Taboada Godoy

04/July/2002 – Introduction to Linux

Complete review of Linux and its philosophy. The talk also tries to examine the compatibility of this system with those existing at its date. View here! (Spanish)

20020704 - Linux - Juan Miguel Taboada Godoy

Some photos of the events:
